Gifts Activated.

Our Process

At Realize Your Calling, we have developed a 5-step process for both disciples & ministries to follow to get the most out of our program & realize their callings.

This process looks different for disciples vs. ministries, so please read on to learn more about the different 5-step processes we will follow.

Step 1

For Disciples

The first step in our process of developing disciples, is Understanding your current state. In this initial step, it will include a simple inventory of skills, spiritual gifts & spiritual habits. We will also get information on time and location availability.

Step 1

For Ministries

For ministries, the first step in the 5-step process is attending the Core Team Recruiting Workshop. This includes the ministries senior leadership team, as well as potential luminary core team members. Here we will define core team member responsibilities and have preliminary discussions about the ministries needs and measures of success.

Step 2

For Disciples

After understanding your current state as a disciple, in Step 2 we will work to Connect you to opportunities to serve in your community. This includes intelligent matching that considers relevant variables and experiences.

Step 2

For Ministries

After attending the Core Team Recruiting Workshop & establishing your team, you will attend the Core Team Kickoff Workshop. This includes a much deeper dive into the ministries’ specific needs and how we will measure success.

Step 3

For Disciples

Once you have been connected to serving opportunities, in Step 3 we will now Connect you to other disciples for support. This includes mentors and small groups that will support you in your discernment journey.

Step 3

For Ministries

Once you have attended the Core Team Kick-Off Meeting, in Step 3 we will begin Core Team Training, Planning, Metrics and Goal setting. This includes developing the skills needed and utilizing templates to enter opportunities, disciples and training into the RYC platform.

Step 4

For Disciples

Once you have been connected to mentors/groups, in Step 4 we will begin to Develop your spiritual path. This will consist of working with your mentor and utilizing simplified templates to define your path forward.

Step 4

For Ministries

Once the planning has begun and various items have been entered into the RYC Platform, in Step 4 we will begin Ministry Outreach and Platform Population. This includes engaging the leadership of all relevant sub-ministries to populate opportunities, disciples and training based on the plan that was developed in Step 3.

Step 5

For Disciples

Once you have worked with your mentor to develop your spiritual path, in Step 5 you will begin Developing your Gifts and Skills to Elevate your Impact. This is based on the path you have chosen, along with vetted learning opportunities, and timing & energy that is required.

Step 5

For Ministries

Once the platform has been populated, the final step is providing Feedback and Adjustments. Based on the metrics and feedback determined in Step 3, the core team provides the senior leadership with information to adjust opportunities and training. RYC facilitates this sharing of learning through ministry user groups.

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Contact us using the form to find out more about how Realize Your Calling serves in your community. For immediate support, email us at [email protected] or call us at 614-989-2228.